Not Guilty Verdict in Drugs Supply Conspiracy at Maidstone Crown Court

25th October 2023 | Lawtons News|
Nick Titchener headshot

Nick Titchener

Managing Partner

Drugs supply

Our client was one of six individuals initially apprehended in May 2020 as part of a “county lines” conspiracy operation related to the distribution of class A drugs. In such cases, criminal organisations typically relocate from major cities, like London, to smaller urban areas, such as Maidstone, to establish networks for supplying class-A drugs.

Upon her initial arrest and questioning, our client was represented by the duty solicitor, arranged by the police. However, once the crown prosecution service sanctioned charges against her, she sought our specialised legal assistance. After consulting with Nick Titchener, our Managing Partner, at our London office, she opted to have him represent her throughout the court proceedings.

Regrettably, the case was fraught with significant delays due to its intricacies. Two of our client’s co-defendants acknowledged their involvement in a conspiracy to distribute class A drugs and pleaded guilty. However, our client and two other co-defendants staunchly maintained their innocence and lack of involvement.

We are thrilled to report that after exhaustive efforts and meticulous preparation, our client was ultimately acquitted in September 2023, with a not-guilty verdict recorded in her favour. As for her co-defendants, who continue to deny their involvement, their legal battles persist, while our client is now free and her harrowing ordeal has concluded.

If you find yourself in a similar situation and require expert legal representation to navigate complex cases like this, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Your freedom and rights are our utmost priority.

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